Hospitals play a crucial role in supporting the health of communities across the U.S. As we recognize National Hospital Week, we celebrate our clinicians, hospital and health system partners, and all the individuals who help make sure hospitals are operating so patients can receive care. Thank you for making a difference in our communities.

In their own words, some Envision leaders express profound appreciation for all the healthcare workers and their tireless efforts to heal and comfort people in need every day.

Envision CEO Jason Owen

“Our nation’s hospitals are the backbone of the healthcare system. They’re also our partners in serving patients and providing essential care when it’s needed most. Thank you to all of our hospital and health system partners for sharing in our commitment to our patients and ensuring they receive high-quality and compassionate care throughout their care journey. And thank you to all of the clinicians who bring these partnerships to life, serving patients, their families and communities.”

Envision CMO Joshua Bloomstone, MD

“Accompanied by an anesthesia machine on my right side, I’ve spent more time working in hospitals over the last 25 years than anywhere else. What I’ve come to know is that hospitals are not just buildings where the sick are cared for. They are vibrant, living, exceptional communities of dedicated faculty and skilled staff who come together 24/7, 365 days a year, caring for (and waiting to care for) you, me, our families and our communities. We would not have survived the pandemic without these exemplary hospital communities, and I will never forget their sacrifices.

“Nationwide, hospitals thrive as individual micro-communities. They are self-contained cities with hotel services, security, pharmacies, laundry, gift shops and hair salons, chapels, restaurants and room service. Some have beautiful visiting therapy dogs and other comforting furry friends as well as gyms, pools, parks and a host of amenities for patients of all ages. While they differ in physical plants and in whom they care for, they all have one thing in common: skilled teams of individuals who selflessly and collectively care for OUR needs when WE need them to. Envision and its thousands of physicians, clinicians and support staff are proud of our hospital relationships and grateful to all of our hospital communities for being welcoming partners in care.

“Hospitals are magical places where science, art, faith and humanity converge with one goal in mind: to heal. I am grateful to everyone who works, volunteers or supports these critical places in any capacity. Please join me during this National Hospital Week in recognizing and thanking every hospital nationwide and everyone who is part of these amazing communities for everything they do every day.”

Mansoor Khan, MD

“Our collaboration with our hospital and health system partners is essential, and through the improvement of patient flow using Lean methodology and new construction, this has assured our continued ability to provide the highest quality of care to our patients. Our ED has been experiencing increased volume and acuity. Facing these challenges, our partnership with hospitals has resulted in improved metrics, which has allowed decreased door to provider times, decreased LWOBs and improved performance for our stroke, MI and sepsis patients.”

Chris Newton, MD

“We are grateful to all our hospital system partners for supporting our clinicians as they provide compassionate care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Adam Blomberg, MD

“The collaborative relationship between Envision and our health system partners allows our clinical teammates to ensure that their patients receive the highest-quality care and service.”

Meg Prado, MD

“As we recognize National Hospital Week, let us thank our hospital and health system partners for providing us with the resources we need to save thousands of lives every day. Whether the support comes from facilities management, dining services, environmental staff, pharmacy or the myriad of ancillary departments, every hand plays an important part in patient care and experience. A very special thanks to the nurses who are our eyes, ears and hearts when we can’t be by the bedside.”

David Dascal, MD

“During National Hospital Week, we take the time to recognize the indispensable radiology technologists, radiology nurses and hospital administrators who partner with our radiologists day in and day out to provide meaningful care to our communities when they need it most.”