Social Responsibility

Employee Relief Fund

Employee Relief Fund

Taking care of one another … That is the spirit by which Envision Healthcare employees live. We deliver high-quality care to patients all over the country, and in times of disaster and economic uncertainty, and when all other avenues of support are exhausted, we help one another through the Envision Healthcare Employee Relief Fund (EHERF).

Envision Healthcare - Care Deeply

The EHERF allows the Envision community to unite to help struggling employees, and employees at the company’s subsidiaries and affiliates, to meet their immediate needs through direct financial assistance.

Envision Healthcare - Embrace Team Work

The dollars that help our teammates, up to $5,000 per qualifying event, come directly from our community—corporate leaders, physicians and center directors, and individual employees who donate generously through every paycheck. As a charitable foundation, the EHERF also receives gifts from outside donors.

Envision Healthcare - Instill Trust

Every single donated dollar goes to help members of the Envision community. You won’t see EHERF bumper stickers or t-shirts. Our sole focus is to help the women and men we work with every day who have found themselves under financial stress due to a catastrophic event beyond their control.

Envision Healthcare - Employee Relief Fund

The average nonprofit organization spends 10 percent of its revenue on fundraising and 15 percent on administrative costs. Envision Healthcare absorbs these costs for the EHERF.

During first three months of COVID-19 alone, EHERF received more than 100 requests for assistance and provided grants totaling nearly $90,000.

Contributions come directly from our community — corporate leaders, physicians, center directors and individual employees — and from outside donors

Struggling teammates receive up to $5,000 per qualifying event.

100% of contributions to the EHERF go directly to teammates in need.

The average nonprofit organization spends 10% of its revenue on fundraising and 15% on administrative costs – Envision Healthcare absorbs these costs for the ERF

During first three months of COVID-19 alone, ERF received more than 100 requests for assistance and provided grants totaling nearly $90,000

Contributions to the fund come from our community - corporate leaders, physicians and center directors, and individual employees - as well as gifts from outside donors

Employees in need of financial assistance recieve up to $5,000 per qualifying event

100% of contributions to the ERF goes directly to employees in need


Recipient Stories

Whether it is after a fire, a flood or tornado — or during a pandemic — Envision employees take care of one another. During the first three months alone of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EHERF received more than 100 requests for assistance and provided nearly $90,000 in grants to struggling employees.

EHERF aid can be used to help families pay their mortgage or rent, buy groceries or other necessities or address health care needs not covered by health insurance.

Here is some of what we have heard as we work to address needs that arise in our community:

I had tried everywhere to get help and I kept getting turned down. … Bills kept piling up. I worked to try to get food and assistance from churches and the Salvation Army. That’s when I reached out to the company.

I connected directly to HR and they helped me. It was really helpful at the time. … She asked me if I had food. … I couldn't afford anything. I have a son at home. She was very helpful.

They are helping people in dying need. Especially in these times. Without this program I would not be able to have food. A lot of people are struggling.

Envision employee

We are one big team. As a team, this means we are here for each other – we are here to encourage, support each other and pick each other up when something in life knocks us down. When one of us on our team is down for whatever reason and/or needs some type of assistance, we are here to pick each other up. The significant impact of COVID has clearly been and continues to be an opportunity for us to help each other.

Envision employee

I trust that those who are on the committee making decisions on how the Employee Relief Fund monies get used are doing so wisely. And, I am very thankful to have the opportunity to work for a company that sees the importance of having an Employee Relief Fund. It is good to know that we have this opportunity to help our fellow team members.

Donate to the Fund

Apply For Relief

Envision Healthcare has made a significant contribution to the EHERF. Employees are able to build on these resources by making contributions via credit card or payroll deduction. The EHERF also accepts donations from individuals outside the company, and other organizations. Detailed information about how to give is here.

Because our team members’ needs are urgent, grants are disbursed within two business days through and Automated Clearing House (ACH) deposit following approval.

The EHERF also accepts requests on an employee’s behalf by human resources or the local operation’s manager, director, or executive. Contact us at

Employees are eligible for EHERF as soon as they join the Envision community—in other words, from their first date of full- or part-time employment. The EHERF can help cover expenses incurred during following qualifying events:

  • Uncontrollable loss of income.
  • Emergency/traumatic medical expenses that are not covered by existing insurance or that are the result of not having insurance coverage.
  • Natural disaster, which includes, but is not limited to, wildfire, flood, tornado, hurricane, severe storms, or earthquake, that have damaged or destroyed the employee's primary residence or vehicle.
  • Hospitalization/incapacitation of an employee or an employee's relative, resulting in the employee's inability to work for 7 consecutive days.
  • Catastrophic or extreme circumstances, which include, but are not limited to, fire, explosions, civil unrest, power failures, terrorism, major home damage that could not be prevented, serious crime against the employee (robbery, arson, assault, domestic abuse, extreme vandalism), and health pandemics.
  • Death of employee, spouse/partner, or dependent.

Detailed information about eligibility is here.